Rare earth doped inorganic crystal has been widely used as an important scintillator in several technologies, such as high energy radiation detection and medical imaging. Recently, with the development of a next generation of time-of-flight PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scanners, it’s urgently demanded that an ultrafast scintillator with shorter decay time and more light output. For this consideration, lanthanide ions Ce3+ and Pr3+ possesing fast f-d emission doped inorganic hosts with suitable crystal field strength are thought as a kinds of promising candidates. Under this guideline, Professor Liang’s team from Sun Yat-sen University has studies the luminescence properties of Ce3+/Pr3+ doped LiCaBO3 phosphor in detail. And their research has been published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C on August 4th, 2015. 
(a) Crystal structure of host LiCaBO3 and Ca2+ ion coordinate environment; (b) Excitation spectra of Ce3+/Pr3+ singly and doubly doped samples; (c) Analysis on energy transfer from Pr3+ to Ce3+. The VUV-UV excitation spectra in Fig. (b) was recorded with the help of synchrotron radiation at BSRF, which provides a powerful support for studying the crystal field splitting of lanthanide ion 5d states and proving the energy transfer from Pr3+ to Ce3+. In this work, a series of LiCaBO3: Ce3+/Pr3+ phosphors were prepared by a high-temperature solid state reaction method. The VUV-UV excitation spectra was collected with the help of synchrotron radiation at BSRF, which provides a powerful support for studying the crystal field splitting of lanthanide ion 5d states and proving the energy transfer from Pr3+ to Ce3+. Then applying I-H (Inokuti-Hirayama) and Built-Up model, the decay curves of Pr3+ and Ce3+ was analyzed and fitting to obtain the detailed energy transfer parameters, respectively. This will offer us a deep insight into the energy transfer process between Pr3+ and Ce3+ and guide the following work on ultrafast scintillator searching. Article: Weijie Zhou, Dejian Hou, Fengjuan Pan, Bingbing Zhang, Pieter Dorenbos, Yan Huang, Ye Tao, Hongbin Liang.* VUV-vis Photoluminescence, X-ray Radioluminescence and Energy Transfer Dynamics of Ce3+ and Pr3+ Doped LiCaBO3. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3(35), 9161-9169. |