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Recently, a breakthrough had been made by Dr. Yuesheng Li and Prof. Qingming Zhang from Remin University of China, with the cooperation of Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fudan University (Prof. Shiyan Li 's group), High Magnetic Field Laboratory Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Solid State Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, and Institute of H...
Collaborating with Prof. Wei Li in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the group directed by Prof. Zheshuai Lin in Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry CAS take the leading in the study of negative compressibility in borates. Taking advantage of the high pressure powder X-ray diffraction at 4W2 beamline of Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, combined with first-principles calculation, they d...
A team from The University of Hong Kong has tried to uncover the information on the assembly processes and the mechanisms by the incorporation of stimuli-responsive functionalities into polynuclear gold(I) complexes. An unprecedented cluster transformation involving a change in the cluster nuclearity has been mediated by light. Their research has been published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS...
Recently, a research group from Key Laboratory of Carbon Fiber and Functional Polymers, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Chemical Technology systematically studied the synergic effect of side chains attached to neighboring units by modifying side chains attached to both donor and acceptor unit. Related research has been published on Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
A team from East China University of Science and Technology has developed a novel orange zinc germinate (Zn-Ge-O) with a chromophore-like structure, by which the absorption region can be dramatically expanded. Their research has been published on Angewandet Chemie International Edition on August 20th 2015.
Prof. Kang Zhenhui’ group of Soochow University has published an article “Metal-Free Efficient Photocatalyst for Stable Visible Water Splitting via a Two-Electron Pathway” in Science (Science, 2015, 347(6225), 970-974), and introduced the result on high efficient photocatalyst for stable visible water splitting.

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